Thursday, October 9, 2008

11 weeks

Your baby is now almost 2.5 inches long (6.1cm) when measured from crown to rump, and weighs between 0.3 and 0.5 ounces (9 to 13g).

Your baby's fingers and toes have separated and are getting longer. Your baby can open and close its mouth and drinks amniotic fluid which it passes out as urine. Its head is becoming more rounded, though it is still large in proportion to its body. It has eyelids.

You can now hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler Ultrasound device!

Your baby continues to grow rapidly and has doubled in size in the last three weeks alone.

The face is beginning to look more human, and all body structures are present with a few refinements still in progress. Fingernails and toenails begin to develop this week.

Your baby's muscles are sufficiently developed to allow for involuntary movements at this time. The messages which control your baby's movements are sent from the spine, rather than the brain, which is not yet sufficiently developed.

Most of my nausea has lifted and I am starting to get some energy back. Being pregnant with a toddler has been a lot more challenging than I ever thought it would. I wouldn’t be able to do it without the ongoing support from my husband. He has been there to pick up the pieces with Rayce when I haven’t been there to.

We are still waiting for a financial break through. It has been 2 months since daddy lost his job. He is only making half of what he was and our savings is gone. I am trying to remain hopeful that something greater is waiting on the other side of this but at times it gets tough and adding pregnancy hormones on top of it all doesn’t help either.

I really need to update this thing more often. Most days I just don’t feel like doing much of anything. :-/

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