Friday, July 31, 2009

Weight Loss

I'm sure you've all heard, (because I talk about it a lot) but just in case you haven't I've lost 43 pounds! I lost an initial 25 after having Rayna, and since, I've lost another 18 on my own. I guess I can give some of the praise to Rayna, for causing me to burn extra calories while breastfeeding, as well as being sensitive to dairy. But on top of cutting out dairy, I've also cut out a lot of extra things on my own and overall I feel great! I couldn't be more excited about it.

My goal is to lose another 40 pounds by the end of the year, which will put me well under 200 pounds. Somewhere I haven't been in over 10 years. But for now I'm setting small goals. Like, right now I'm working on losing another 5 pounds in 15 days. I know I can do it if I set my mind to it, and having the encouragement from family and friends makes it all the more better. Maybe soon I will furnish a before and after pic. Some people give me a lot of compliments while other don't seem to see a change. I know I do! Half of the clothes in my closet no long fit but I'm not complaining!

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