Friday, February 6, 2009

7 month Appointment + Good and Bad news!

Wow, I am 7 months already! Can you believe it? That means I'm in my last trimester and I also go to the doctor every 2 weeks now. So exciting!
So, yesterday I went to my first doctor's appointment for this month and I was super excited to talk to her about my blood work results. In case you didn't hear, I passed my extensive glucose test and I wanted to know the specifics. But, before we could even get to that we were struck with high blood pressure accommodated with a bad headache. A headache that wouldn't go away with medication and was increasingly getting worse. My blood pressure came in at 146/82. It's the 146 part she was concerned about because last appointments reading was 122/76. That's a pretty fair increase. So, off to get more blood work I go. This time I have to get a diagnostic pre-eclampsia panel, something I have never got before, not even with Rayce. I'm nervous. If I have to go on bed rest I have no idea what I will do.

She also gave me a prescription for my headaches, called Fioricet. Come to find out it's a controlled substance and some pretty strong stuff. I decided to keep it on hand but only take it when absolutely necessary.

Then, we got back to those glucose results. It turns out my hemoglobin a1c went down to 5.8 it was 6.0 last time. My average glucose level per hour came back at 128! I was completely dumb founded and shocked. I thought for sure I would fail the test but I'm counting it as a blessing and moving on. I still have no desire to eat "whatever" I want and I am going to continue to "watch" what I eat. I mean, even though the results came back "normal" I think it's in our best interest to keep doing things the way I have thus far.

So there you have it, that's my update. Please pray my blood work results come back OK. I will keep everyone informed.

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