Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 Months Old!

My little lady will be 4 months old tomorrow! Can you believe it? My, my how time flies! She's such a joy to be around these days. She's still quite the talker but most of all she loves to laugh and smile. She still not rolling over but she recently discovered her feet and she just loves to play with those. She also loves to play on her activity mat with all her toys and especially loves it when her brother gets down there with her.

She still has her days when all she wants to do is cry but for the most part, I think that is all behind us now. She also had a set back with her reflux issues, and as a result she is back on her medication. I'm OK with that...I mean, if she's in pain and needs it then so be it! Trust me she's much more pleasant to be around while on her meds.

We are all still trying to adjust to being a family of 4. I'm not sure how long it will take but for right now it's an everyday work in progress. Dividing attention between 2 kids is definitely a challenge, but well worth it at the end of the day!

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