Friday, May 11, 2012

A Celebration

Yesterday was Seth's birthday! This is the 1st year that we have ever done anything to celebrate the occasion. In years past, I have dreaded the up coming event, but this year I decided to come up with a different approach. I made confetti cupcakes with chocolate frosting and bought some balloons. It was a nice way of letting Seth know that we all loved him and thought of him on his special day. 

We all made a note and tied them to the balloons. Rayce’s note was my favorite. He wanted to write his name, so his brother would know who he was and what his name was. Melt my heart.

I will cherish this moment forever

After we attached the notes, we sent the balloons on their way. In hopes that they would make their way to him somewhere out there. I'm so glad we had this moment. It surely made the day easier and I hope someday, I get to tell Seth all about it.

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