Thursday, March 12, 2009

Soon a Family of 4

Lately I've spent my days trying to wrap my mind around what it's going to be like when we become a family of 4. I cannot grasp what kind of adjustment it will be. Not so much for Ray and I but for my sweet Rayce. He is used to being the center of our world and I know, that will all soon come crashing down for him. Throughout this pregnancy he has grown into quite a mommas boy and it breaks my heart to think that soon, most of my time will have to be devoted to my little lady. I think this is going to be our biggest challenge, splitting my time between 2.

I'm sure over time it will all be fine, as soon as we all adjust but, for now, I'm trying to brace myself for those first few months. Thank the Lord that I have Ray and that Ray is an awesome dad. I have no doubt that he will pick up the slack where need be and I know he will without a doubt step up to the plate when I ask him to. When Rayce was a newborn he helped me so much throughout the night, never once making a fuss. Even taking Rayce on car rides at 4 in the morning when he had to be up for work in a few short hours. I am so grateful for him and I tell you I couldn't do all this without him.

These are just a few things on my mind as time is winding down. I'm getting closer and closer to my due date you know. It's bitter sweet. For now, I'm trying to embrace every moment of my last pregnancy but as time gets close, I cannot wait!

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