Friday, December 19, 2008


What a memorable day yesterday was. When I got to the doctor’s office they took me right back, I hardly ever have to wait there, which is nice. So I plop right up on the table and not too long after that the fun began. Right away when she put the probe to my tummy I saw her! It was so amazing to see this little being inside of me. She started out by measuring her waist and then she asked us if she happened to see the gender if we wanted to know? We both said yes most definitely and then she proceeded. At that point, I could kind of tell she was in “that area” but I really couldn’t make anything out. Then she goes “I’m running out of paper, it needs to be changed but I would like to end on an image let me see what I can get.” Then, all of the sudden she goes “there’s your babies gender” but I couldn’t tell so I go “it’s a boy?” She’s like no honey that’s a girl! Right at that very moment I just lost it, I was completely hysterical. I just wanted to jump off the table, go in the corner and cry! Not too long after that I felt Ray grab my hand and he squeezed it tightly. It was honestly one of the greatest, most memorable moments ever. It was just like I had imagined it would be. I am still in shock!

So I re-gain my composure (after feeling like a complete goof) and the ultrasound tech asked why I was crying? If it was a good thing or bad thing? So I explained after having 2 boys that I really wanted a girl and how this is going to be my last baby. She said she understood and then she started taking all kind of pictures for me. It was so neat! She really couldn’t get a good face shot because Rayna does not like the camera ha. She kept her hands over her face the whole time. It was almost like she was saying I’m trying to sleep lady leave me alone. It was so dang cute.

Anyway, that’s my wonderful ultrasound story! They said everything looks great. She is measuring right on track and weighs what she should. What a blessing, really!

Here are some pics for those who haven't seen them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for both of you. I know you would have been ok with another boy but I know how much you wanted a girl. Start saving your money, because for some reason they make such cute things for girls and you just want to buy all the cute stuff you see (poor little boys. Rayce is going to be a great big brother. He will be in love with his Rayna and so will I.