Friday, December 12, 2008

This week's new words!

Rayce is really having a blast learning new words. He suprises me daily by saying new things. So, I decided it was probably a good idea to start a weekly "new words" log. So here ya go here are Rayce's new words for this week:

Apple (ba-po)
Bubble (buh-bow)
Mama (the word I've been waiting almost 2 yrs for!)
No (his new favorite)
Ouch (ow-wa)
Zipper (zzzzz-pa)

Isn't this great? I love, love hearing him say new things. If you're keeping track that's 20 words now. What a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soon my adoreable Rayce will be saying "I want to spend the weekend with Noni"