Monday, December 29, 2008

Two Year Molars

Shoot me now! Today was probably the worst day that I have had with Rayce since his newborn days. He cried, fussed, and whined for the majority of the day. It seriously reminded me of his newborn days when he would just cry and cry and nothing I would do would work to the point of just wanting to throw in the towel. So finally, I just had to put him in his bed (after an hour straight of having a full blown fit) turned on the vacuum (so I couldn’t hear him) and just left him be. He probably cried and screamed for another 45 minutes before he stopped. I went in, picked him up and he acted like nothing ever happened. Crazy kid. Thank god nap time was only an hour away but that wouldn’t last long either, thanks to our lovely neighbors. So, the afternoon was probably as eventful as the morning, minus the running of the vacuum. Oy, I tell you I’m ready to wring someone’s neck! You’d think those teeth are ready to pop through or even breaking through at that. Heck no, his gums are just swollen and red. The next couple of week to a month should be grand! So if I’m a bit short with you, now you know why. ;-/

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