Friday, January 16, 2009

6 Month Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday I had my routine monthly doctor’s appointment. Everything checked out just fine with the baby Rayna. I got to hear her little heart beating at 149 bpm. Blood pressure checked in great, weight checked in good also. I gained a pound, I’m a little bummed about that but it’s not too bad considering that’s all I have gained thus far. Then we went over the concerns I had about my ongoing pelvic pain and headaches. She referred me to a chiropractor for my pelvis but basically told me it was a normal part of being pregnant. I refuse to take that for an answer and I am determined to find some sort of relief. I’m going to start with putting a call into this chiropractor and see what she recommends and/or can do for me.

After we discussed that for a minute she informed me that I need to for a thorough glucose test because the blood work came back elevated. She usually sends me for a monthly hemoglobin A1C, which gives her a quantitative glucose level over the past month. When I was pregnant with Rayce my levels never went over 5.7, I was usually at the 5.6 mark and this time it came back at 6.0, for last month. Ugh, I’m so stressed out about this because I have already been watching what eat. I’m sure I can scale back a little more but at this point I’m not sure I want to. It’s hard when you’re pregnant, hungry all the time, and everything taste so yummy. I might just forgo a strict diet and go straight into insulin. I dunno we’ll see how the test results come back. I go in 2 weeks; I will make my decision then.

My next appointment is in 3 weeks then after that I start going every 2 weeks. Holy cow! How fast has this flown by? I can’t believe I’m almost in the third trimester. I’m super excited…I cannot wait to meet her!

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