Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pregnancy Reflections

The Fifth Month

The first time I felt you kick:
I have been feeling her kick for awhile now. The first time was probably a good month or so ago. I had the laptop rested on my lap and I swear she tried to kick it off! I literally saw it move up and down.

It felt like:
It is the neatest feeling in the world...words can't really describe it.

I felt:
Over-joyed! It's one of those moments you can't get enough of.

The strangest food craving I've had is:

Crumbs from Long Jonh's Silvers. You know, those left over batter pieces that fall off their fish and chicken planks. OMG so yummy, I can't get enough. Bless Rays heart he has gone for a 9 o'clock run for me several times.

This month's prenatal visit taught me that:
IT'S A GIRL! OMG, we are so excited.

My hopes:
I just want a healthy baby with ten fingers and ten toes.

My fears:
I'm still worried about trying to do this with a toddler. His terrible 2's are getting worse, ack!!

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