Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feeling the Aches and Pains

I think I have SPD otherwise known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or in none medical terms severe pelvic pain. Simply put, this significant pubic pain is caused by the pelvic girdle area not working they way it should, probably because of hormones, misalignment of the pelvis, or an interaction of the two. The pain has got so bad that I can no longer do normal daily things such as vacuum or even pick up Rayce without paying for it for the rest of the day. Just being on my feet for too long hurts. Rolling over in bed hurts. Walking from one end of the house to the other, hurts. You get the idea? Everything I do hurts! I honestly think my pelvis is out of alignment and it sucks. The only thing I have found to help, is to do absolutely nothing all day, which we all know with a toddler in tow is almost impossible. Sigh. It’s a good thing I go to the doctor today. Hopefully she can give me a referral to someone who can help. If not, I’m in for a long remaining 3 months. :/

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